I was told I missed a wonderful luncheon, but here is a picture of the group at Brown’s Lobster Pound in Seabrook, NH
That’s Dave, Bud, Jim, Carl, Paul, andย Tony.
(photo courtesy a nice couple visiting from Vermont)
Official Web Site of the QRP Club of New England
I was told I missed a wonderful luncheon, but here is a picture of the group at Brown’s Lobster Pound in Seabrook, NH
That’s Dave, Bud, Jim, Carl, Paul, andย Tony.
(photo courtesy a nice couple visiting from Vermont)
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de, Bud Valcourt
The annual Seafood Lovers luncheon took place today, May18, right on schedule. This seminal event, which takes place on the third Thursday in May, brings together members of NEQRP for a unofficial “kick-off” of the summer season. Attending members enjoyed a sumptuous seafood meal and some lively conversation coupled with a lot of laughs to lighten up the day.
The Annual Seafood-Lovers Spring-Fling Luncheon 5/18/2017
It’s finally here, … warm Summer weather. Spring has been with us for weeks now and our annual (April) meeting at League Headquarters has come and gone. FDIM is starting tomorrow, and, that means that all the New England’ers that are not attending the Xenia Hamvention & FDIM will be celebrating at Brown’s Lobster Pound for our Annual:
“SPRING-FLING Seafood-Lovers-Luncheon” Thursday, May 18th, 2017 starting around 11AM.
It’s held every year on the same day as the talks/lectures in Fairborn Ohio.
Join us for this Springtime Tradition at: Brown’s Lobster Pound in Seabrook New Hampshire at 11AM till then last person drops. (Usually around 2PM.)
Bring the family, friends, and, anything you have for “Show ‘N Tell”, along with, stories, AND, a BIG appetite!
I’ve attached last year’s (2016) announcement, below, with more links for your convenience.
This year! … Rex Harper – W1REX is already in Fairborn Ohio, I just talked to him as he was on the highway. Rex will be Skype’ing us during our Seafood-Lovers-Luncheon. Live video from the FDIM hotel! We will also stream any live video that is on the InterNet coming out of Fairborn and/or Xenia.
IF YOU’RE NOT IN OHIO, *PLEASE* COME TO: “Brown’s Lobster Pound” tomorrow for this annual party of Low-Power Radio Enthusiasts.
We won’t be, at the BIG Xenia Hamvention, BUT, we’ll be doing the next best thing! I.E. – The New England – Spring-Fling Seafood-Lovers-Luncheon Tradition!
C U there at 11AM+ …
7 3
*Note: Communications while on your commute, 85RPT Derry and 52 direct.
***(Please go over last year’s announcement, below.)***
> Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 at 3:06 AM
> From: “Carl Achin – WA1ZCQ”
> Subject: The Annual Seafood-Lovers Spring-Fling lunch *** TODAY! ***
> Good Morning!
> Weather is looking ‘superb’ for this Annual get-together. I just read on QRP-L that this year, ARCI WILL NOT be streaming video. Bummer! ;-(
> http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=42.8948&lon=-70.8712#.Vz1jREnmqM8
> That said, W5KUB will be streaming LIVE video of the trip to Dayton Ohio. Also, live streaming video of all the action at the “Dayton Amateur Radio Convention”.
> http://tmedlin.com/video-2/
> So, we may not have FDIM video, but we sure can watch W5KUB while at Brown’s.
> See You There In Just Hours!
> http://tinyurl.com/hb2my95
> *** (Need to build-up-your-hunger? Click on the above link!) ๐ CUL . .
> > Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 at 4:40 PM
> > From: “Carl Achin – WA1ZCQ”
> > Subject: The Annual Seafood-Lovers Spring-Fling lunch ***TOMORROW***
> >
> > Come one, come all!
> >
> > We, here in New England have had a tradition of all getting together for what QRP-ARCI calls FDIM (Four Days In May) which is held in Fairborn Ohio.
> >
> > Now, … since we are not there, … we’ve been having a, live, living vicariously, at the THURSDAY TALKS at FDIM, … while having a FANTASTIC Lunch at the famous and historic “Brown’s Lobster Pound” in Seabrook New Hampshire.
> >
> > While the talks are underway in Fairborn (OH) we are having SEAFOOD! (What could be better?) ๐
> >
> > It’s an Annual event that you won’t want to miss.
> >
> > DATE: THURSDAY, May 19th, 2016
> > PLACE: Brown’s Lobster Pound
> > Directions: http://binged.it/1Tg3QDH
> > TIME: 11AM till you get tired of eating! ๐
> > *(Members can come earlier to watch the talks at FDIM, *IF* THEY ARE REAL-TIME STREAMING!)
> >
> > This has been an on-going gathering for years, and many Low-Power Radio enthusiasts partake in this Seafood Lovers lunch each year.
> >
> > Come Join Us! (Bring a ‘QRP’ friend!)
> >
> > Can’t make it? No problem. Put it on your calendar, and, join-us next year!
> >
> > *** Information about this event: Many New Englanders just can’t get the time to travel all the way to Dayton Ohio for the ‘Dayton Hamfest’. This Seafood-Lovers Spring-Fling lunch was purposely organized on the same day as the talks at FDIM so that we could all get together and actually watch the real-time video streaming of the happenings, at the only day of talks, in Fairborn Ohio. Their talks are all of a low-power nature, and are targeted toward the QRP’er in our hobby. This event allows us (New Englanders) to participate vicariously at the talks without actually traveling to them. It’s a great outing and some wonderful seafood! Please consider joining us on this, or, another (in future years) Annual Seafood Lovers Spring Fling Lunch always held on the same day (Thursday) as the talks at Four Days In May! C U ! . .